Illinois Sports Betting Law – The First in the Nation to Allow In-Depth and Mobile Betting
Until the enactment of a recent law, betting on in-state college teams had not been an option. But in August of 2020, sports betting will finally be legal in the state. Illinois’s new law makes it the first in the country to offer in-person and mobile betting. There are now four retail sportsbooks that are vying for your business.
One of the most intriguing things about sports betting in Illinois is that it is not only legal, but it is also easy to do. In fact, it may be easier to do a little betting at a retail sportsbook than a big name online sportsbook. The state allows wagering on in-state college teams, but requires that wagers be placed at a retail sportsbook. A retail sportsbook can be a local casino or horse track, as well as an online bookmaker. Almost all of these locations offer extra services and help to players.
The best part is that Illinois’s sports betting law has the right people in the right positions. The right people include DraftKings, FanDuel, and the Rivers Casino. The latter two sportsbooks are arguably the best suited to launching in the state, with the former two being in the vicinity of Chicago. The best part is that they have a solid track record for providing a fun and safe betting experience.
In addition to legalizing sports betting, the law has a number of perks, including a “penalty box” that will give local sportsbooks a leg up on their big-name counterparts. A penalty box is akin to a sports book’s equivalent of the big leagues. This allows the local sportsbooks to get a jump on their competition before the big dogs come along. The law also allows sports betting to be conducted by anyone over 21.
The best part is that the law was pushed through on a bipartisan basis, despite objections from many in the gaming industry. The state’s largest pro sports leagues were all in favor of the law, including the NBA and the NFL. Some of the major sporting leagues have even tasked their respective legal departments with making sure that the state’s rules are fair. During the first half of the year, the state saw a spike in sports betting, with more than $19 million in wagers placed. Despite these wins, some states are still opposed to sports betting.
The law was enacted in conjunction with a larger capital bill. HB4214 was an attempt to jump start the discussion on legalizing sports betting in the state. In addition to a number of other notable legislative acts, the law also made a number of other notable changes, including creating a new category of gambling license known as a “Master Gaming License,” and allowing the state to issue mobile sports betting licenses.